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Enjoy a healthy diet: Nutritionists and dietitians are constantly talking about how important it is to have a healthy diet filled with nourishing foods. Knowing how to eat well is an art and a science, and keeping an eye on your plate will energize your daily life. Engage in regular exercise: Sports are beneficial in every way. There is no shortage of benefits when it comes to physical activity, including increased life expectancy! It’s recommended to engage in exercise for at least 30 minutes each day. As a bonus, your cardiovascular health is sure to improve. Get out in nature: Who would have thought that observing nature would improve your well-being! Taking the time to be among flowers, trees, sunshine, and forests is a sure-fire way to feel good. Go for a walk in nature and you’ll feel much more grounded. Take on a challenge: If you want to boost your mood, what better way than to jump into a new challenge? We all have dreams, goals, and projects that get put off until a later date. Why not try something new today? Explore a new path and feel your spirit soar. Let’s go! Cultivate your self-esteem: Take some time to look inward and accept the person you are as a whole. We often look at others with kindness, but it is just as important to do so for ourselves in order to cultivate self-esteem. Nurturing positive thinking about yourself and your external environment will help you develop healthy habits and strengthen your well-being. Decrease your news intake and lower your anxiety: We can’t say this enough – we have been so overexposed to negative news over the last two years. It’s very important to reduce stress by decreasing the amount of time we spend watching or listening to news, whether it be on TV, the radio, in a newspaper, or on social media. Instead, increase your exposure to the outdoors, and nurture your relationships with kindness and respect. Keep it light! By establishing healthy habits, you will see positive changes and enhance your well-being. Référence :